Air ducts and grids for placement under the pavement

For cooling and static aeration of cereal, feed, fruit, vegetables, nuts, …


Galvanized sheet and profile.

Advantages of pavement ducts

  • Underground system, application of immediate refrigeration without previous works of preparation of the warehouse.
  • Great resistance.
  • Economic system and very low maintenance.

Air ducts for laying on the pavement

For static ventilation, cooling or drying of cereal, feed, fruit, vegetables, nuts, potatoes, …


Perforated galvanized steel sheet, curved and corrugated. Ø1.5 mm perforations. for use with rapeseed and other small seeds. Ø 2 mm perforations for cereals and larger perforations for other products

Advantages of air ducts

  • Low weight and great resistance (they support a maximum height of 12 meters).
  • Economic system, without maintenance.
  • Stackable ducts take up little space. Low warehouse and transport costs.
  • Instantaneous and flexible assembly, depending on each particular need.